Young Adult Social Groups

Hobby & Leisure Social Groups

Hobby and leisure social groups are about exploring new hobbies and providing social opportunities for you to meet other young adults with similar interests.  Hobbies range from baking, jewelry making, arts & crafts, STEM groups, board games, and more!

Employment Readiness Social Groups

Employment and job readiness groups cover exploring, finding, applying for, and working a job. Together we will build a portfolio for potential employers, work on job-readiness skills, do mock interviews, and learn important self-advocacy skills.

Smart Technology & Supported Life Skills
Our smart technology and supportive life skills groups incorporate our young adults and their caregivers. We aim to increase access to hobbies and daily living activities using adapted switches, AAC devices, and Smart Hubs.

Daily Living & Independent Life Skills

Daily living and independent life skills groups focus on increasing independence and gaining new skills, such as meal prepping, money management, home care, and personal hygiene in fun and meaningful ways.

Community Outings & Trips

Join us for trips to museums, the movies, arcades, and more! RISE offers supported community outings for small groups of young adults to go on together, with the support of RISE staff to increase accessibility and independence all while having fun!

Young Adult Social Groups run on an on-demand basis, and are available depending on participant’s interests.

Have a group of young adults interested in participating in social groups? Let RISE know! We can provide instruction, support, all materials, and can host groups in our space or a preferred community space!

Contact us below so we can see what programs your young adult is interested in to get started today!

Interested in social groups?

RISE can help with next steps!